2021 – 26th MARINES
Chuck Corsi
Jerry Lewien
Richard Rivenburgh
Quinn Harry
Richard Soto
Butch Strasner
Tony Whitefeather
Frank L. Booth
Jim Boyle
Steve Jenkins
Dale Barsness
Larry McCartney
Sonny Hollub, Jr.
Ray Maillet
1. Call the meeting to order.
8:35 – 8:40
Meeting called to order.
New members were introduced. `
Each member gave a short statement.
2. 8:40 – 8:50
regarding Board of Directors and open positions.
Sonny proposed Larry McCartney remains in his current position as
public information officer. Larry accepted and all present agree.
8:50 – 8:55
It was agreed to keep our current system in place; one credit card, and one checkbook.
Our fees to remain the same.
An explanation as to how the treasurer handles money and then provided
a report as to the association’s financial status. Our financial status is healthy, but costs are rising.
8:55 – 9:05
Discuss the evolution of our 26th Marines Association.
Brief discussion
of where we started our reunions, our first being Tunica, Mississippi.
Quinn made a motion to open membership to any marine from any unit. Motion was seconded by Chuck
and passed.
Discuss minutes from 2019 – New Orleans, Louisiana
9:05 – 9:08
than read the minutes from 2019, Quinn motioned to accepted as posted; Tony seconded and motion was passed.
6. 9:08- 9:20
Discussed three
cities selected at 2019 meeting in New Orleans for consideration toward our 2022 reunion.
a. Fort Lauderdale – 0
b. Washington D.C. - passed with majority
San Francisco
– Eliminated due to being on the west coast.
It had previously been agreed to move our reunions around the country
to accommodate our members.
9:20 – 9:40
Explain how we selected three cities for 2022 reunion. Have each person select three cities; then tally the votes.
a. Richard Soto led a discussion on the three cities
for consideration in 2022. Those were; Fort Lauderdale, Washington D.C. and San Francisco.
b. Our members agreed to use the three cities previously picked at our
last reunion, 2019, which would have been for our reunion that was cancelled for 2020.
c. Cities were then nominated for consideration for 2023 in the central
Chicago (4)
St. Louis (1)
Branson (10)
Buffalo, NY (Niagara
Falls) -0
Sonny made a motion to stop picking cities. All agreed.
Quinn motioned that these
be accepted and Larry seconded the motion. The time frame for the reunion to remain the same (late September).
8. 9:40 – 9:42
Discuss our basic rules relating to marine language.
Only members attend the meeting and vote, and appropriate dress.
All rules
remain unchanged.
9. 9:42 – 9:43
Discuss Association shirts. No discussion.
10. 9:43 – 9:45
Open Discussion
No new business.
9:45 – 9:46
Ask if there are any other issues.
No new business.
12. 9:46
Adjourn Meeting.
2019 – 26th Marines Annual Meeting Minutes - New Orleans
1. 8:30 – 9:00
Meeting was called to order. We had a discussion about how to collect past due
money and get members to stay current. Motion was made by Mac that, if the members don’t pay, they are no longer
members. This was voted on and passed.
made a motion that any past due members be considered current if they paid at least two delinquent years and the current year.
However, after a brief discussion, he withdrew the motion.
Mac brought up discussion about the increase in cost for guests to attend. The issue was about how
it was voted in. He was of the opinion that the cost was raised prior to the board vote. A motion was made by
Quinn to officially raise the cost for guests to $100.00. That was passed.
Quinn then made a motion to have our future reunions in the downtown area when appropriate.
That motion was passed.
9:00 – 9:02
Brief discussion
was held as to how our officers are elected. Frank and Ray were up for reelection. Quinn made a motion for Frank
and Ray to maintain their current positions. The motion was passed.
3. 9:02 – 9:05
Explained how the financials are handled.
Mentioned dues, registration and banquet fees.
9:05 – 9:10
Sonny gave an expense
report. Our Association is currently healthy
9:10 – 9:12
Brief mention as
to the Association’s evolution of the 26th Marines Association.
9:12 – 9:20
Discussion was held
of the Minutes of the 2018. Quinn made the motion to accept the minutes as posted. The motion was passed.
7. 9:20 – 9:22
We discussed the three selected cities for 2020,
which were Fort Lauderdale, Washington D.C. and San Francisco. San Francisco received the most votes, 6, Fort Lauderdale
received 5 and Washington D.C. received 4.
9:22 – 9:47
Explanation of how
we select three cities for the 2021 reunion was held. The list of cities nominated is:
Cambridge, Maryland (4)
Orlando, Florida (10)
Antonio, Texas (6)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Chicago, Illinois (4)
New York, New York (2)
San Diego, California (13)
St. Louis, Missouri (1)
Dallas, Texas (9)
Seattle, Washington
Des Moines, Iowa (3)
Motion was then made By Chuck to close the nomination of cities.
That motion was passed.
The top three were
Orlando Florida, San Diego California and Dallas Texas.
9:47 – 9:49
Sonny gave a quick
reminder relating to inappropriate language.
9:49 – 9:51
We had a brief discussion
about our reunion being held at the same time of year. Walter made a motion to have our reunion at approximately the
same time each year. Mac seconded that motion. The motion was passed.
11. 9:51 – 9:55
There was discussion held about our shirts and hats. No changes
were made.
12. 9:55 – 10:00
Quinn suggested consideration of women and guests and available activities
in the discussion process of future reunion locations. Quinn also reminded everyone to bring clothing for San Francisco.
13. 10:00 – 10:05
Other issues – None.
14. 10:05
– 10:07
Chuck made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
The motion was seconded by Walter. The motion was passed and the meeting was adjourned.
2018– 26th Marines Annual Meeting Agenda Savannah
8:15 – 8:32
Meeting was called to order. Introductions were made. New member, Ron
Shuff, was introduced. Ron made a $950.00 donation of "friendly incoming"... a big thanks to Ron!!
2. 8:32 – 8:34
Discussed how our officers are elected. Walter and
Sonny were both up for reelection. Quinn made a motion to keep Sonny and Walter in their current positions.
Motion was passed.
made a motion to maintain Larry McCartney in the position he was appointed by the Board to fill Bill Hoffman’s position
after Bill passed away.
3. 8:34 – 8:50 Sonny explained how the financials are handled. He discussed, dues, registration
and banquet fees.
raised a discussion about our year-to-year spending.
JC raised a discussion about raising our annual fees.
Quinn made a motion to raise our membership fee to $45.00. The motion was passed.
Registration fee is to stay the same.
Quinn made an additional motion to raise the banquet fee to $50.00. The
motion was passed.
4. 8:50
– 8:52
Sonny gave a quick expense
Treasurer report.
Our expenses for the past 11 years have been approximately $3,100.00 per annum.5. 8:52 – 8:56
Discussed the evolution of our 26th Marines Association.
5. 8:56 – 9:00
minutes from 2017.
Quinn made a motion to accept
the minutes for our 2017 reunion in Las Vegas. The motion was passed.
Quinn, at this time, presented an idea to honor the fallen with a table in the lobby with
a dinner plate setting, a candle and flowers. The table was displayed for all to see.
6. 9:00 – 9:05
Discussed three cities selected at 2017 reunion – New York City, New Orleans and Nashville.
New Orleans received the most votes and was selected for our 2018 reunion.
7. 9:-05 – 9:17
Explain how we select three cities for the 2019 reunion.
Have each person select three cities and then tally the votes.
New York
Washington DC
Fort Lauderdale
Bird in Hand, Pennsylvania
San Francisco
8. 9:17 – 9:19
Discussed our basic rules relating to Marines language, the fact that only members can attend the meeting and vote,
and appropriate dress.
When women/kids
are present, the use of vulgar language is prohibited. When at group activities, keep all your clothes
on. Only members, up to date on their dues, will be able to attend and vote at the annual meeting.
9. 9:19 – 9:20
Discussed Association Shirts. USA Clothing makes
our shirts for $48.00 each. After shipping, the cost is $50.00 per shirt.
10. 9:20 – 9:22
Nothing was brought up.
11. 9:22
Other issues – None.
12. 9:23
Adjourn Meeting
26th Marines Annual Meeting Minutes – 2017 Las Vegas, Nevada
Sonny called the meeting to order at 8:25
am on August 12, 2017 in Las Vegas, Nevada. He introduced new members. All individuals
were thanked for “friendly incoming” (donations above and beyond the dues, etc.).
At 8:31, there was discussion as to whether
Lawrence McCartney would continue in the position of Public Information Officer after he temporarily filled in for Bill Hoffman
after his death. It was voted on and passed that he would remain in this position until the next vote.
gave the Financial Report.
8:35 – we discussed the evolution of the 26th Marine Reunion, and what supporting units to
the 26th Marines would be included.
Quinn made the motion to include naval direct
support to the association.
Chuck seconded the motion.
It was voted
on and passed unanimously.
8:50 - We also had a discussion as to what family members would be allowed to join the group upon
a member’s death.
Quinn made the motion to include wife and children.
seconded the motion
It was voted on and passed unanimously.
8:55 –
Quinn made the motion to accept last year’s minutes as posted.
Steve seconded the motion.
It was voted on and passed to accept them
as posted.
8:57 –
Discussion of three potential locations for next year’s reunion was held. The final vote came
down to the following:
Milwaukee - 7
New York - 6
Savannah – 11
9:00 – A vote was taken, and next year’s reunion will be held in Savannah, Georgia.
9:01 – At this time, we had a discussion as to whether to leave the reunion at about the same
time of year (August) or if people preferred a different time of year.
Walter made
the motion to leave the reunion in August.
Chuck seconded the motion.
A vote was taken and passed that the reunion would remain in August.
9:05 – Discussion as to different locations
that the 2019 reunion would be held at was held.
The following cities were suggested:
Nashville, TN - 6
New York City, NY - 14
Kansas City, KS - 3
Miami, FL - 10
Milwaukee, WI - 9
Providence, Rhode Island - 5
New Orleans, LA - 16
Memphis, TN - 12
Washington DC – 3
The three final locations to
be voted on at the 2018 reunion are:
New York City
New Orleans
9:25 – It was called to adjourn the meeting.
2016 -
26th Marines Annual Meeting Minutes - Bellevue/Seattle Area
Sonny called the meeting to order just after 8 am… 8:09 am. New
members were introduced, and each person in attendance introduced themselves with a bit of history. Sonny
thanked those who pitch in and help in the hospitality suite, especially Walter Heim.
Discussed how our officers are elected.
Sonny had discussed with both officers up for election, MacDonald Peoples and Richard Soto and both indicated they
were willing to continue in the positions. The group indicated this was fine with them… a motion
was made, seconded and all in favor raise their hands. All present raised their hands. None
Sonny explained
how the financials are handled. Dues were discussed. After some discussion, a motion
was made by TC Charron and seconded by group and all agreed… to drop the issue and continue on as we have been.
Treasurer made the report of the last 8 years,
balances before and after the reunion. Our expenses for the past 8 years have been $2509.95 per annum.
Chuck Corsi made a motion to accept the financials as presented, a second was made by Rick Rivenbauer and all present
were in favor. The subject of how any balance in the bank account would be handled if Sonny dies.
A motion made by Greg Freeman, seconded by Doug Gunderman, to add to the accounts signees and designate Sonny’s
son-in-law (attorney) Michael Lawrence to make contact with the remaining 6 officers and move the balance by check or other
agreed upon method, to a new account. The vote was approved for the motion, by all those present.
Discussed the evolution of our 26th
Marines Association. It was explained that Echo Company was the company which started the Association.
It was later expanded to include all companies of 2/26. Then later expanded to include all battalions’.
Then finally a few years ago, the association decided to open membership up to any 26’er of all times, Regiment,
MAU and MEU… Iwo to current.
Minutes from 2015 was discussed. The minutes have been posted on our website for a year
and Chuck Corsi made the motion to accept the minutes as posted on the website, TC Charron and Rick Rivenbauer simultaneously
made the second, All present voted in favor of the motion.
The three cities selected in 2015 for our 2017 reunion were discussed.
A vote was taken and results were as follows: Las Vegas – 10, Chicago – 4 and Des Moines
– 0. 2017’s reunion will be held in Las Vegas during August/September time frame, decision
to be made by the officers after a review of the area and events has been made.
An explanation was provided on how we select our three cities for
2018’s reunion. Each person suggested three cities. Those suggestions were Spearfish,
SD., Salt Lake City, Utah, Savannah, Georgia, Concord, New Hampshire, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Baltimore,
Maryland, San Antonio, Texas, San Diego, California, Denver, Colorado, Dallas, Texas, San Francisco, California, Chicago,
Illinois, Miami, Florida, Washington, DC and New York City, New York. A vote was taken on each city and
results were as follows: Savanah, Georgia - 9, Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 7and the New York City area - 8.
One of these three cities will be chosen at our 2017 Reunion, for the 2018.
Discussed our basic rules relating to Marines language,
only members attend meeting and vote, and dress. It was concluded when women/kids were present use of vulgar language was
prohibited, when at group activities to keep all your clothes on and only members up to date on their dues could attend and
vote at the annual meeting.
A review was given regarding our Association Shirts. Our original shirt
was manufactured before the edict issued by the Marine Corps (about fall of 2015) that retailers and wholesalers, can use
only shirts/clothing made in the USA. As a result, we had to switch vendors. We still
have 11 of the original ones (made in Bangladesh, India) which sell for $35.00 each, and 11 in stock of the new USA made shirts
for $48.00 each. In addition we have order forms if you want to order and specify the third line for personalization.
Open discussion
We discussed how we reach
out to other Marine Units. Sonny uses social media to post the time, date, etc., of the upcoming reunion
and who may be a member. In addition our Public Relations officer places a short ad regarding the upcoming
reunion along with a proper contact in various Marine Corps / Military groups’ magazines, ie, DAV, Purple Heart, VFW
and others each year.
Sonny asked if there was any other issues and there were none. Walter Heim made
a motion to adjourn meeting, second was made by Mac Peoples and all present were in favor. The
meeting was adjourned at 10:00 am.
by Ray Maillet, Association Officer/Secretary
26th Marine Association Annual Meeting
Minutes – 2015 Denver, Colorado
1. Sonny called the meeting to order. Introduced new
members. Thanked Walter and Greg for all the help provided over the years and this year as well.
Thanked all the “friendly incoming” individuals* (donations above and beyond the dues, etc.).
2. Sonny explained how we elect Directors and two B type would be elected this
year. Greg Freeman and Mike Delong were the two B type officers up for election.
3. Nominations
were requested. Ray Maillet and Frank Booth were nominated and elected unanimously.
An explanation was given regarding how the treasurer handles money, then the report was provided for 2008 – 2015
bank balance prior to the reunion and after.
5. We discussed the evolution of the 26th Marine Association
and agreed all 26’ers of all times will continue to be welcomed as members - Regiment, MAU and MEU.
2014 Annual meeting minutes were read and voted unanimously to accept the minutes as read.
7. The three
cities selected for consideration for 2016 Reunion were:
- 2,
Orlando - 2 and
Seattle -7. The Vote was taken and
Seattle won.
8. Sonny explained how the cities for 2017 are typically done. Votes were
taken, each member had to select three different cities, as opposed to voting multiple times for one city.
The cities nominated were:
New York, City –
Chicago -6,
Washington DC -3,
Oklahoma City – 2,
San Francisco – 3,
Des Moines,
Iowa – 5,
Las Vegas, Nevada- 6,
Reno, Nevada -4.
Top three for 2017 to be voted on at the 2016 reunion were, Las
Vegas, Chicago and Des Moines.
9. Discussed reunion timing and agreed we would do August
again since it was a northern state again.
10. Discussion on basic rules of Marines language, only members
attend meeting and vote, and dress. It was concluded when women/kids were present use of vulgar language was prohibited, when
at group activities to keep all your clothes on and only members up to date on their dues could attend and vote at the annual
11. Discussed the 26th Marines Association shirts provided at this
reunion and it seems the layout of pictures and verbiage is about right. Sonny will send pics and requests
for more input. Also a request was for simple cotton t-shirts was made as well.
Open discussion… Steve Radcliffe requested and applause for the board and their efforts and accomplishments.
Meeting adjourned and then took pics of group attending the annual meeting.
*Friendly incoming for 2015 were from the following 26’ers:
Michael Cowan
Greg Freeman
James Kobliska
Ray Maillet
Sonny Hollub
Dennis Schwarten
Bob Renfro
Bill Hoffman
Doug Gunderman
Meeting Minutes by Director Greg Freeman, Secretary/REU Media
26th Marine Association
Annual Meeting Minutes – 2014 Charleston, SC
Sonny called the meeting to order. He introduced the current Directors and new members.
2. Sonny explained how we elect Directors and two A type would be elected. Walter and Sonny
were the two A type officers up for election. Both indicated they were willing to continue serving.
3. Both were nominated and no others were. Both were re-elected unanimously.
4. An explanation was given regarding how the treasurer handles money, then the report was
provided for 2012 - 2014.
5. Discussion on Marines language.
It was concluded when women/kids were present use of vulgar language was prohibited.
6. 2013 Annual meeting minutes were read and voted unanimously to accept the minutes as read.
7. The three cities selected for consideration for 2015 Reunion were Denver, Salt Lake City
and Seattle. The Vote was taken and Denver won.
Sonny explained how the cities for 2016 are typically done. The only change was when votes are taken, each member has
to select three different cities, as opposed to voting multiple times for one city.
cities nominated were, Seattle, Washington, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Des Moines, Iowa, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Rapid City, South
Dakota, Orlando, Florida, and Little Rock, Arkansas.
Vote – each person
selected their three top choices. The final count Minneapolis - 9, Des Moines - 5, Milwaukee
- 6, Rapid City - 5, Orlando - 11, Seattle -8, Little Rock - 0.
9. Discussed reunion timing and agreed we would continue the September/October time frame.
10. Group activities was discussed. Previous attempts to organize these proved too
costly, with limited participation and we generally lost money. Individuals were welcome to organize such activities,
but the association will not.
11. A periodic newsletter
was discussed. It was decided the association’s “scuttlebutt” page has worked well for that and we
would continue using that.
12. We discussed hospitality suite
foods. We will continue doing as in the past, but any ready-made sandwiches would be individually wrapped as opposed
to open platters of the same.
13. An updated membership
list was discussed and Sonny indicated he would come up with an updated list.
14. The need to update our shirt information was discussed and determined we needed to do that.
15. The meeting was adjourned.
Meeting Minutes by Director Greg Freeman, Secretary/REU Media
- 26th Marines Annual Meeting Minutes, St. Louis, Missouri - 9-21-13
Sonny Hollub called the meeting to order.
2. New members were introduced.
The current officers were selected to remain in position for another year as follows:
4. It was decided that each year, two officer positions would be up for election.
Then two more each succeeding year, thus keeping 5 experienced officers in place as follows:
2014 - Two Director positions
2015 - Two Director positions
2016 - Two Director positions
2017 - One Director position
5. The places selected at the 2012
annual meeting, Miami, Fla., Charleston, SC and New York City, NY were discussed, then voted on. The selection
was Charleston, South Carolina.
6. It was decided that this reunion would include an extra day, as we
did in San Diego. Thursday night the landing party will start (as opposed to the normal Friday), with the group caravanning
to Parris Island to attend a graduation on Friday, then back to the normal agenda of Annual meeting on Saturday morning, Banquet
on Saturday PM. The time frame between early September to mid October was discussed. In that for years now, it
has been satisfactory to most who attend, it was decided to maintain that schedule again for 2014.
The following sites were chosen for consideration at the 2014 annual meeting for the 2015 annual meeting Seattle, Washington,
Denver, Colorado and Salt Lake City, Utah. Reports will be provided on these three locations prior to the 2014 reunion.
Dues were discussed and will remain the same as previously in the past. Past due annual dues was discussed. With
many past due, ranging from $50 - $350... it was suggested and decided to clear the record, thus forgiving all annual dues
in arrears. However, the rule "1. Members not * up to date on their
membership fees, will not be allowed to attend Membership Meetings or vote on Membership
matters.* Up to date is defined as all annual membership dues since 2007 or the year you
joined, whichever is the most recent, as voted for in the 2006 Annual Meeting to maintain our financial integrity.
Remember, if you are a member, you need to pay your dues even if you do not plan to attend".
The new rule will
be adjusted to read "1. Members not * up to date
on their membership fees, will not be allowed to attend Membership Meetings or vote on
Membership matters.* Up to date is defined as all annual membership dues since 2014 or the year you
joined, whichever is the most recent, as voted for in the 2013 Annual Meeting to maintain our financial integrity.
Remember, if you are a member, you need to pay your dues even if you do not plan to attend".
So everyone
has a clean record. Please pay your annual dues (as well as your reunion fees) on time in the future. We
are in good financial standing (partially due to occasional donations to our Association), but your dues are important to
maintaining that status. If anyone who was forgiven ever wins the lotto (or wins at the track or casino... LOL) ...
feel free to pay those dues for which you were forgiven, at the 2013 Annual meeting, by your fellow 26'er members.
The meeting was adjourned and we all patted ourselves on the back for having another informative and positive meeting.
2012 - 26th Marines Annual Meeting Minutes - Albuquerque, New Mexico
1. Open
Meeting - Executive Director Harvey opened
the meeting at about 8:15 am.
2. Elect Officers - Executive
Director Harvey advised he would not be running for ED. He then turned the meeting over to ED backup, Sonny
Hollub for 5 minutes. Member Harvey nominated Sonny Hollub to be the new ED, a second followed, with all
voting in favor. The additional officers were discussed. No one volunteered immediately.
Sonny requested since there were not volunteers, he be allowed to contact interested members and fill a new committee
or board which would be presented as a slate for membership approval at the 2013 annual meeting. A second
was made and all present voted in favor.
3. Treasury
report - Harvey asked for a treasury report
by Treasurer Sonny Hollub. Sonny restated his method of “keeping books” since 2003…
and that is, all financial transactions are made with check or debit card from the 26th Marines Association Bank
account. Any cash spent by an individual, would require EC approval and will be considered as a donation
and registered as such, with no reimbursements to be made. Sonny then provided the balances before and
after each reunion from 2003 – 2011, with projections for 2012. Sonny advised that the Association
bank account is open to review by any member at anytime. A motion was made and seconded to accept the current method of “bookkeeping” as well
as the balances reported. All present voted in favor.
4. Read minutes of last annual meeting and approve - Harvey asked if anyone had anything to add to the minutes provided by
Secretary Sonny Hollub, in the welcome packet as well as posted on our website for the last 10 months. No
one had anything to add. A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes as published.
All present voted in favor.
5. Vote to select either St. Louis, Missouri, Minneapolis, Minnesota, or a city in the Mount
Rushmore area for our 2013 reunion - Harvey
opened discussion regarding information published in the welcome packet for the three city choices for the 2013 reunion.
After input, a vote was taken and the next site of St. Louis, Missouri was selected for our next reunion in 2013.
6. Review Geographic Distribution of past reunions - Harvey had Sonny explain the new US map he created showing the geographical distribution of past reunions along with
choices for each next year’s reunions. While the plan was to select a city on the east coast was
next in line, the map showed we have had fewer reunions in the northeast quadrant of the map. This was
discussed and Harvey asked for a vote to continue with the “east coast” selection or revise to select a site in
the northeast corner of the US. A vote was taken and the majority voted to continue with the projected
“east coast” selection.
7. Vote to select 3 cities for 2014 Various cities were
proposed for the 2014 reunion - After the list was compiled, each member got three votes. After
the vote was taken, the cities selected for the 2014 reunion choices, were Miami, Fla., Charlotte, SC and New York City, NY.
Three members of the committee/board will research and report on an assigned city. Those details
will be published on the 26th Marine Association website and in the 2013 reunion welcome packet for membership
8. Discuss
more incentives for timely payments at least for dues… other than penalties, require member be up to date
to be listed on the public roster, etc. Sonny advised that several members were behind on their dues and we
will continue to seek payment of dues in a timely manner. The methods of collection efforts, penalties,
etc., were discussed and a motion was made to maintain the status quo. A second was made and all present
voted in favor.
Open Discussion - Timing of each
year’s annual reunion was discussed. The conclusion was made to continue selecting a weekend for
each year’s annual reunion between September 15th and October 31st, as we have done in the
10. Adjourn Meeting - Harvey adjourned the 2012 annual meeting at about 10:00 am.
by G. H. “Sonny” Hollub, Jr., Association Secretary/Treasurer/Website Mgr.
Marines Annual Meeting Minutes Springfield, Virginia September 24, 2011
Sonny Hollub, filling in for
Harvey Lang called the meeting to order at 8:00 am. Ten were in attendance including Sonny.
Sonny recognized new member Bob Heffelfinger
and made mention of the passing of Member Ken Williams and long time Association friend and friend of Harvey's Jimmie McCants.
Bob Heffelfinger served with the 26th Marines, Second Battalion, Golf Company, 2nd platoon, in Vietnam during 1968 and
1969. Bob was an 0311. Bob's wife's name is Sally. (as an added note, we acquired an
additional member Saturday night... William Griffith. William served with the 26th Marines, Second Battalion, Echo Company
arriving during the siege of Khe Sanh, January 1968 until September 1968, when he was medivaced from LZ Margo).
order of business was to elect new officers. The motion was made; seconded and approved by all attendees
to retain the existing officers with a 100% vote as follows: Executive Director, Harvey Lang, Secretary/Treasurer/Webmaster.,
G. H. “Sonny” Hollub, Jr., Public Relations Officer, Richard Soto. Sonny recognized Bill Hoffman for his
excellent work in advertising this year's reunion. In addition Sonny indicated "backups" were in place for
all of his positions, Walter Heim for Treasurer, Greg Freeman for reunion pictures and McDonald Peoples for the Associations
website. All three have been provided passwords and log in names. Many thanks to these guys as well, for assuming
these back up roles.
order of business was the reading of the agreed upon financial reports... that is year ending bank balance, balance
prior to each reunion and approximation of each year's reunion and miscellaneous expenses.
order of business was the reading of the last annual meeting minutes. Motion was made, seconded and all
in favor approving the San Antonio 2010 minutes as read.
order of business was a brief explanation of our current method of keeping books. That is, all association
expenses are paid by either the Association checks or checking debit card. No suggestions for a change in this
method were made and all accepted the continuing in the same manner.
Fifth order of
business was picking a site for the 2012 reunion. The three sites descriptions provided by the Executive Committee
were reviewed. A bit of discussion was had regarding each site. A vote was taken and was as follows: Seattle
- 4, Albuquerque - 5 and Las Vega - 1. Two different dates, May and September were discussed for the reunion.
A vote was taken regarding the month. There was one vote for May and 9 for September 14, 15 and 16, 2012.
Sixth order
of business was selection of the cities for our 2013 reunion. Sonny indicated the area based on our geographical
rotation would be the central US north of Texas. Some discussion was had regarding if we wanted to keep the same geographical
rotation system in place or change to picking any place in the US each year. A motion was made and seconded to vote
on the matter. There were 5 votes to keep the same rotation system in place and 4 to choose any place in the US, with
one abstaining. Various cities were discussed in this years region and resulted in the selection of St. Louis, Minneapolis
and a city in the Mt. Rushmore area. A vote was taken adn it was unanimous to select these cities for consideration
in 2012 for the 2013 Association Reunion.
Seventh order of business was discussion regarding
the use of donated money used to pay other member's dues when they are sick or otherwise experiencing financial difficulties.
More precisely how to show the Dues Data sheet, how the person receiving the donated funds to cover their membership dues,
which is currently PBD... Paid by Donation. After some discussion, there were no members concerned about the use of
PBD. A motion was made and seconded to keep it as it is. It passed unanimously to keep it as it is.
order of business was a general discussion regarding other methods of creating incentives for people to remain
current on their dues. Sonny explained that the hard letter along with a status of each member's dues and balance due,
along with a stamped envelope was very useful in getting several members current. It was suggested the association pay
for that mail out in the future, but not voted on since the Executive Committee has discretionary power.
Ninth order
of business was how to handle data for members requesting to be dropped from the Association. A motion was
made, seconded ansd carried unanimously to remove all data from the website (i.e., Public Roster, etc.) for those requesting
order of business was a short review of a commercial company who sets up reunions for organizations. It
was estimated it would increase each members cost $25.00 and up. A short discussion was had and a motion was made, seconded
and unanimously approved to not use such a company at this time as long as Sonny will continue setting up the reunions for
the Association.
Eleventh orderof business was discussion regarding offering/including membership
to the current 26th Marines (i.e., MEU, MAU, etc.), similar to what we had done by adding WWII 26th Marines to our Association.
After some discussion, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously voted to make the change. The Executive Committee
will pick a 3 man team to investigate how to contact such 26th MEU Vets. (Quinn volunteered as one team member),
so the EC will select two others to work on this issue.
The 2011 Annual
Membership Meeting for 26th Marines Association was adjourned by Sonny Hollub. All members congratulated each other
for concluding the meeting in a timely manner and sticking to the agenda. The meeting ended at 9:30am.
Meeting notes were taken by Quinn
Harry filling in for Sonny Hollub.
Completed by G. H. “Sonny” Hollub, Jr.,
Association Secretary/Treasurer/Website Mgr.
October 2010 26th Marines Annual
Meeting Minutes San Antonio, Texas
Sonny Hollub called the meeting
to order. Recognized new members Jim Atkinson, Walt Griffin, Dale Costilow and Ron Butler… all served
in Intel (Hector and Elaine Perez joined Saturday. Hector was a 0353 in 1/26. Harvey had been lost
with his pipe, returned and took over.
First order of business was to elect new officers.
The responsibilities of the Executive Director Position were maintained as is. The Organization Secretary/Treasurer/Website
Mgr., responsibilities remained the same. The Public Relations Officer responsibilities remained the same. The
motion was made; seconded and approved by all attendees to retain the existing officers with a 100% vote as follows: Executive
Director, Harvey Lang, Secretary/Treasurer/Website Mgr., G. H. “Sonny” Hollub, Jr., Public Relations Officer,
Richard Soto.
order of business was to review the annual meeting minutes from 2009 and approve. Motion was made and all
voted to accept the minutes as read.
order of business was a brief financial report. Sonny provided information related to the
Association’s bank balances before and after each reunion for the two previous years. Details of
how extensive “financial data” would be reported in the future were discussed. Motion was made
to only provide a verbal presentation of before and after bank balances along with approximate yearly/reunion expenses in
the Annual Membership Meetings only, as opposed to posting such data on line or in handouts. Motion was
made and all voted to accept such a reading at each year’s annual membership meeting.
Fourth order of business was the current Annual Membership Dues
of $40.00, the Registration fee of $25.00 Banquet fee of $40.00 will remain the same as motioned, seconded and all in favor
vote. (Note: As you all know, the banquet fee had to be changed due to increasing
order of business the due dates for dues and fees as well as the late penalty were discussed. Motion was
made to keep them the same, seconded and all in favor vote.
the 2011 reunion site discussed and the DC area site was voted in. With the main points of interest being
the Marine Corps Museum, Vietnam Veterans Memorial and other sites in the DC area. Cities in the Seven
Corners or Springfield area, was discussed and a city in the Srpingfield/Seven Corners/Alexandria, VA areas were highlighted
since it was between the two main points of interest. The conclusion was for Sonny to investigate the area and pick
one in this area.Three cities were selected by vote to be considered for the 2012 reunion. Those were Las Vegas,
NV, Seattle, Washington and Albuquerquer, New Mexico. Motion was made to keep to accept this and all in favor vote.
the trial Sunday breakfast buffet at the Menger Hotel was discussed and whether we should add a Sunday Morning Buffet
breakfast to our event schedule in the future. Motion was made to not continue a Sunday morning
Breakfast Buffet, seconded and all in favor vote.
Eighth, the need
to rent a vehicle for the week of the events was discussed. Sonny agreed to continue either bringing a
vehicle or rent one for his personal use, but also to do errands during the reunion to pick up supplies etc. It
was voted to allow Sonny to purchase a “tank or two” of gas when he does this. Motion
was made to allow this, seconded and all in favor vote.
Ninth, developing
new type memberships as follows was discussed… Associate Member, Booster Member or Nonvoting Member. After
a brief discussion on the pros and cons of these, a motion was made and seconded to table the issue until another time.
All voted in favor to table.General discussion provided the following suggestions. Bill Hoffman
suggested putting more information into military magazines about our reunions, such as dates and locations of reunions.
Bill Hall raised the issue of showing PBD (paid by donation) on the Dues log from 2007 to current. Some
discussion was had and these items and any action taken will be discussed at the 2011 Annual Membership Meeting.The
2010 Annual Membership Meeting for 26thMarines Organization was adjourned.
All members congratulated each
other for concluding the meeting in a timely manner and sticking to the agenda.
Completed by
G. H. “Sonny” Hollub, Jr., Association Secretary/Treasurer/Website Mgr.
October 2009 26th Marines Annual Meeting Minutes San Diego, California
Harvey Lang called the meeting to order.
First order of business was to elect new officers.
The responsibilities of the Executive Director Position were maintained as is. The Organization Secretary/Treasurer
responsibilities remained the same. The Public Relations Officer responsibilities remained the same. The motion
was made; seconded and approved by all attendees to retain the existing officers with a 100% vote as follows:
Executive Director, Harvey Lang
Secretary/Treasurer, G. H. “Sonny” Hollub, Jr.
Public Relations
Officer, Richard Soto.
Second order of business was to review the annual meeting minutes from
2008 and approve. Motion was made and all voted to accept the minutes as read.
Third order
of business was the current Annual Membership Dues of $40.00, the Registration fee of $25.00 Banquet fee of $40.00 will remain
the same as motioned, seconded and all in favor vote.
Fourth, the due dates for dues and fees
as well as the penalty when late was discussed. Motion was made to keep them the same, seconded and all in favor vote.
Fifth the 2010 reunion site was voted on and the city of San Antonio won. Three cities
were selected by vote to be considered for our 2011 reunion. Those were New York City, St. Augustine or a city in the
area of the New Marine Corps Museum.
General discussion provided the following suggestions. Bill
Hoffman suggested putting more information into military magazines about our reunions, such as dates and locations of reunions.
It was discussed and decided to sell our two cases of wine with the Associations special label applied, for $20.00 per bottle,
which covered our approximate cost. The website offering our labels for wine, etc., will be provided on request,
but not put on our website at this time. Sonny will contact the vendor for more information and update the EC.
The 2008 Annual Membership Meeting for 26thMarines Organization was adjourned.
All members congratulated
each other for concluding the meeting in a timely manner and sticking to the agenda. Completed by G. H. “Sonny”
Hollub, Jr., Organization Secretary/Treasurer.
October 2008 26th Marines Annual Meeting Minutes Atlanta,
Sonny Hollub, filling in for Executive Director (out due to family illness)
called the meeting to order.
First order of business was to elect new officers. The responsibilities
of the Executive Director Position were maintained as is. The Organization Secretary/Treasurer responsibilities remained
the same. The Public Relations Officer responsibilities remained the same.
Second order
of business was to review the annual meeting minutes from 2007 and approve. Sonny apologized for the brevity of the
minutes. It seems some were lost in the fog in Atlantic City. If more details are ever found, they will be added
in the appropriate spot.
Third a motion was made; seconded and approved by all attendees
to elect the officers with a 100% vote as follows:
Executive Director, Harvey Lang
/ Treasurer, G. H. “Sonny” Hollub, Jr.
Public Relations Officer, Richard Soto.
old business was discussed. Motion that was passed in Atlantic City, that regarding payment of travel or hotel for members
unable to pay that wanted to attend the reunion. The discussion centered on the cost to the paid members and who would
be picked if more than one person requested help. After much talk/discussion there was a motion to drop/remove from
our by-laws. The main reason was cost (would have to raise the members annual dues). All voted yes, to drop from
Fifth - New Business - the 2009 reunion site was voted on and the city of San Diego won.
The 2010 site was to be picked at the 2009 reunion, New Orleans, Kansas City or San Antonio. Richard would check on
New Orleans, Harvey on Kansas City and Sonny on San Antonio. Details would be available at the 2009 reunion to pick
one for 2010.
The 2008 Annual Membership Meeting for 26thMarines Organization was adjourned.
All members congratulated each other for concluding the meeting in a timely manner and sticking
to the agenda.
Completed by Richard Soto, filling in for G. H. “Sonny” Hollub,
Jr., Organization Secretary/Treasurer. Sonny was filling in for Harvey due to family illness.
October 2007 26th Marines Annual Meeting Minutes
Atlanic City, NJ
Executive Director Harvey Lang called the meeting to
order and welcomed all in attendance.
First order of business was to elect new officers.
The responsibilities of the Executive Director Position were maintained as is. The Organization Secretary/Treasurer
responsibilities remained the same. The Public Relations Officer responsibilities remained the same.
A motion was made; seconded and approved by all attendees to elect the officers with a 100% vote as follows:
Executive Director, Harvey Lang
Secretary / Treasurer, G. H. “Sonny” Hollub, Jr.
Public Relations
Officer, Richard Soto.
Second a motion was made; seconded and approved by all attendees to look
put in place, a rule providing financial support to members who wanted to attend, but could not afford it.
Third - New Business - the 2008 reunion site was voted on and the city of Atlanta Georgia won. San Diego, Las
Vegas and Seattle were selected to be studied an presented at the 2008 reunion for vote.
2007 Annual Membership Meeting for 26thMarines Organization was adjourned.
October 2006
26th Marines Annual Meeting Minutes
Executive Director Harvey Lang called
the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance. He advised he wanted to stick to the posted agenda.
First order of business was to elect new officers. The responsibilities of the Executive Officers were
discussed. The Organization Secretary was combined with the Treasurer. A new Officer, Public Relations Officer
was established. This officer’s responsibility will be to promote the association to prospective members, and
various entities such as American Legion, DAV, Army Times, MOPH, VFW, etc. These three offices would combine to be the
Executive Committee which will continue to manage the organization.
A motion was
made; seconded and approved by all attendees to elect the officers with a 100% vote as follows:
Director, Harvey Lang
Secretary / Treasurer, G. H. “Sonny” Hollub, Jr.
Public Relations Officer, Richard
Second a motion was made; seconded and approved by all attendees to
follow the posted agenda.
Total attending this year’s reunion banquet was 41 (up from 31
the previous year).
Third order of business was to elect new officers. The responsibilities
of the Executive Director Position were maintained as is. The Organization Secretary was combined with the Treasurer.
A new Officer, Public Relations Officer was established. This officer’s responsibility will be to promote the
association to prospective members, and various entities such as American Legion, DAV, Army Times, MOPH, VFW, etc. These
three offices would combine to be the Executive Committee which will continue to manage the organization.
A motion was made; seconded and approved by all attendees to elect the officers with a 100% vote as follows:
Executive Director, Harvey Lang
Secretary / Treasurer, G. H. “Sonny” Hollub, Jr.
Public Relations
Officer, Richard Soto.
Fourth order of business - The next item of “Annual Dues of $40.00”
was discussed. The current dues status is based on a “calendar” basis. Various suggestions were voiced
regarding this status.
A motion was made; seconded and approved by all attendees
as follows:
Annual dues of $40.00 will remain $40.00 per year and be based on a calendar basis,
January 1 – December 31 of each year.
The annual dues will be due no later than March
31 of each year. Dues received after March 31 of each year will incur a penalty of $10 per year.
Only Members current on dues will have voting rights.
New Members annual dues will be
prorated on a semiannual basis. Join January 1 – June 30, pay full amount. July 1 – December 31, pay
½ of amount.
Effective Date of this system is January 1, 2007.
The fifth item of business was“Financial”. The last “balance sheet”
submitted by the previous treasurer, who resigned about a week before this years reunion, reflected a balance of $3,798.00.
Two checks were sent to Executive Director by the previous treasurer as follows: Cashiers Check (Clayton Bank and Trust
# 324343) in the amount of $3100.00 and a personal check from the previous treasurer (Check # 1556 in the amount of $500.00)
for a total of $3600.00, leaving a deficit of ($198.00). This deficit was discussed.
motion was made; seconded and approved by all attendees, after a review of existing data was made, to accept this deficiency
as long as it did not exceed $200.00. In that neither check provided by the previous treasurer was cash-able in Reno for payment
of this year’s reunion expenses, Harvey Lang agreed to pay all unpaid reunion expenses.
A motion was made; seconded and approved by all attendees that Sonny Hollub would immediately deposit the checks
in a new account for the association and refund funds covered by Harvey to him.
motion was made; seconded and approved by all attendees future reimbursements will be made for expenses approved by the Executive
Committee prior to spending and only those expenses with a paid receipt for those expenses. Invoices made by the individual
do not qualify as “paid receipts”. Qualifying receipts for reimbursement must come from the “company
or business” providing the merchandise or service.
A motion was made; seconded and approved
by all attendees that the Treasurer, Sonny Hollub, would take necessary action to legitimately form the association, “new
from scratch, in the simplest, legitimate and most economical manner”.
sixth item of business was - The next item was “2007 Reunion Site Selection” (3) for current membership to vote
on” for the 2007 Reunion. Discussion regarding possible “piggy backing” with the Khe Sahn” Organization
was discussed prior to selection of potential sites. The following cites were discussed and proposed for selecting 3 cities
for membership vote at a later date:
Myrtle Beach, S. C., Atlanta, Ga., Atlantic
City, N. J., Jacksonville, Fla., Norfolk, Va., Orlando, Fla.
A round of voting to reduce the
above number of cities to a choice of 3 cities was conducted.
The results were as follows:
Atlanta, Ga., Atlantic City, N. J., Orlando, Fla.
A motion was made; seconded and approved by
all attendees that Atlanta, Ga., Atlantic City, N. J., Orlando, Fla., would be researched by Richard Soto - Atlanta, Ga.,
Sonny Hollub - Atlantic City and Harvey Lang - N. J., Orlando, Fla., for current membership vote in early 2007.
Seventh item was “2007 Reunion Date Selection”. The following times were proposed and discussed:
September – October, April – May, and July – August.
A membership vote
was taken to select the time frame.
A motion was made; seconded and approved by all attendees
that the time for 2007’s reunion would be the September – October time frame.
Eighth item - The next item was discussion of and selection of the “Organization Websites”. We
have two at the present. www.26thMarines.com and www.26thMarines.org
The www.26thMarine.com site contains all the business, reunion, meeting minutes, membership rosters, etc. While the www.26thMarines.org contains Nam pictures, historical data, etc.
A motion was made; seconded
and approved by all attendees www.26thMarines.com would be our organizations “official website” while the www.26thMarines.org would be a supplement to the organizations official website and a compendium of Nam photos, Unit Historical
data and whatever the Executive Committee decided should be reflected on that site which Quinn Harry (the org Site Manager)
agrees to post. Each site will refer to the other as necessary.
Ninth the costs of maintaining
the two websites were discussed. The approximate cost of each website is $10 - $14 per month (subject to increase).
A motion was made; seconded and approved by all attendees that all costs approved by the Executive
Committee, related to the purchase, registering and maintenance of each website be paid by the organization.
Tenth business item - The next item was discussion of and selection of the “Current Public Roster” as
shown on the organizations official website, www.26thMarines.com . The “Current Public Roster” contains, the Member Name, Email Address, Phone #, Unit served with,
Years in Nam and MOS. The potential sensitivity of data included was discussed.
A motion
was made; seconded and approved by all attendees that the “Current Public Roster” should remain “as is”
and all requests to be added or requests for change must be done by email or in writing. Such requests should specify
what items the member wishes to reflect on the “Current Public Roster”.
eleventh item was discussion of the organizations “Original Colors”. A review of the previous “Executive
Meeting Minutes” was made and discussed to explain/determine any disputes, etc., regarding the organizations original
A motion was made; seconded and approved by all attendees to allow time for proper review
and accumulation of information, then the Executive Committee take whatever action it deems necessary.
The 2006 Annual Membership Meeting for 26thMarines Organization was adjourned.
All members congratulated each other for concluding the meeting in a timely manner and sticking to the agenda.
Completed by G. H. “Sonny” Hollub, Jr., Organization Secretary/Treasurer
Minutes reviewed by Executive Committee, Harvey Lang, Executive Director, Sonny Hollub, Secretary/Treasurer and Richard
Soto, Public Relations Officer.
Posted on www.26thMarine.com November 29, 2006
Minutes prior to
this date starting with the Annual Membership Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2005 are maintained by the Secretary G. H. "Sonny"
Hollub, Jr. They can be provided upon request for a fee of $.35 per page, plus postage and handling.